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BICSI RCDDv14 : BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer Practice Tests

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Exam Number : RCDDv14
Exam Name : BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer
Vendor Name : BICSI
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RCDDv14 exam Format | RCDDv14 Course Contents | RCDDv14 Course Outline | RCDDv14 exam Syllabus | RCDDv14 exam Objectives

Exam Specification: RCDDv14 BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer

Exam Name: RCDDv14 BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer
Exam Code: RCDDv14
Exam Duration: 4 hours
Passing Score: 70%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice
Exam Delivery: In-person proctored exam

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD)
- Overview of the RCDD certification
- Understanding the role and responsibilities of an RCDD
- Exploring industry standards and best practices

2. Project Management and Design Fundamentals
- Project management principles for network infrastructure design
- Understanding customer requirements and needs
- Budgeting and resource allocation for design projects

3. Telecommunications Cabling Systems
- Types and characteristics of copper and fiber cabling systems
- Cable transmission principles and standards
- Design considerations for horizontal and backbone cabling systems

4. Network Infrastructure Design
- Designing structured cabling systems for different environments
- Pathway and space planning for cable distribution
- Firestopping and grounding requirements

5. Telecommunications Spaces and Equipment Rooms
- Designing telecommunications spaces and equipment rooms
- HVAC and electrical requirements for equipment rooms
- Rack and cabinet layout and organization

6. Outside Plant (OSP) Cabling Design
- Designing OSP cabling systems for campus and remote sites
- Underground and aerial cabling considerations
- OSP bonding and grounding requirements

7. Wireless Infrastructure Design
- Designing wireless network infrastructure
- Antenna selection and placement considerations
- Radio frequency (RF) coverage planning

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand the role and responsibilities of a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD).
2. Apply project management principles and design fundamentals in telecommunications projects.
3. Design and specify telecommunications cabling systems, including copper and fiber cabling.
4. Plan and design network infrastructure for different environments.
5. Design telecommunications spaces and equipment rooms.
6. Design outside plant (OSP) cabling systems for campus and remote sites.
7. Design wireless infrastructure for optimal coverage and performance.

Exam Syllabus:

Section 1: Introduction to RCDD (5%)
- Overview of RCDD certification and its importance
- Role and responsibilities of an RCDD
- Industry standards and best practices

Section 2: Project Management and Design Fundamentals (10%)
- Project management principles for network infrastructure design
- Understanding customer requirements and needs
- Budgeting and resource allocation

Section 3: Telecommunications Cabling Systems (20%)
- Copper and fiber cabling types and characteristics
- Cable transmission principles and standards
- Design considerations for horizontal and backbone cabling systems

Section 4: Network Infrastructure Design (20%)
- Designing structured cabling systems for different environments
- Pathway and space planning for cable distribution
- Firestopping and grounding requirements

Section 5: Telecommunications Spaces and Equipment Rooms (15%)
- Designing telecommunications spaces and equipment rooms
- HVAC and electrical requirements for equipment rooms
- Rack and cabinet layout and organization

Section 6: Outside Plant (OSP) Cabling Design (15%)
- Designing OSP cabling systems for campus and remote sites
- Underground and aerial cabling considerations
- OSP bonding and grounding requirements

Section 7: Wireless Infrastructure Design (15%)
- Designing wireless network infrastructure
- Antenna selection and placement considerations
- RF coverage planning

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