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Exam Number : AZ-303
Exam Name : Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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EXAM NAME : Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise in designing and implementing solutions that run on Microsoft Azure, including aspects like compute, network, storage, and security. Candidates should have intermediate-level skills for administering Azure. Candidates should understand Azure development and DevOps processes.
Responsibilities for an Azure Solution Architect include advising stakeholders and translating business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable cloud solutions.
An Azure Solution Architect partners with cloud administrators, cloud DBAs, and clients to implement solutions.
A candidate for this exam should have advanced experience and knowledge of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platform, budgeting, and governance–this role should manage how decisions in each area affect an overall solution. In addition, this role should have expert-level skills in Azure administration and have experience with Azure development and DevOps processes.
- Implement and monitor an Azure infrastructure (50-55%)
- Implement management and security solutions (25-30%)
- Implement solutions for apps (10-15%)
- Implement and manage data platforms (10-15%)
Implement and Monitor an Azure Infrastructure (50-55%)
Implement cloud infrastructure monitoring
monitor security
monitor performance
monitor health and availability
monitor cost
configure advanced logging
configure logging for workloads initiate automated responses by using Action Groups
configure and manage advanced alerts Implement storage accounts
select storage account options based on a use case
configure Azure Files and blob storage
configure network access to the storage account
implement Shared Access Signatures and access policies
implement Azure AD authentication for storage
manage access keys
implement Azure storage replication
implement Azure storage account failover
Implement VMs for Windows and Linux
configure High Availability
configure storage for VMs
select virtual machine size
implement Azure Dedicated Hosts
deploy and configure scale sets
configure Azure Disk Encryption
Automate deployment and configuration of resources
save a deployment as an Azure Resource Manager template
modify Azure Resource Manager template
evaluate location of new resources
configure a virtual disk template
deploy from a template
manage a template library
create and execute an automation runbook
Implement virtual networking
implement VNet to VNet connections
implement VNet peering
Implement Azure Active Directory
add custom domains
configure Azure AD Identity Protection
implement self-service password reset
implement Conditional Access including MFA
configure user accounts for MFA
configure fraud alerts
configure bypass options
configure Trusted IPs
configure verification methods
implement and manage guest accounts
manage multiple directories
Implement and manage hybrid identities
install and configure Azure AD Connect
identity synchronization options
configure and manage password sync and password writeback
configure single sign-on
use Azure AD Connect Health
Implement Management and Security Solutions (25-30%)
Manage workloads in Azure
migrate workloads using Azure Migrate
implement Azure Backup for VMs
implement disaster recovery
implement Azure Update Management
Implement load balancing and network security
implement Azure Load Balancer
implement an application gateway
implement a Web Application Firewall
implement Azure Firewall
implement Azure Firewall Manager
implement the Azure Front Door Service
implement Azure Traffic Manager
implement Network Security Groups and Application Security Groups
implement Bastion
Implement and manage Azure governance solutions
create and manage hierarchical structure that contains management groups,subscriptions and resource groups
assign RBAC roles
create a custom RBAC role
configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles
configure management access to Azure
interpret effective permissions
set up and perform an access review
implement and configure an Azure Policy
implement and configure an Azure Blueprint
Manage security for applications
implement and configure KeyVault
implement and configure Managed Identities
register and manage applications in Azure AD
Implement Solutions for Apps (10-15%)
Implement an application infrastructure
create and configure Azure App Service
create an App Service Web App for Containers
create and configure an App Service plan
configure an App Service
configure networking for an App Service
create and manage deployment slots
implement Logic Apps
implement Azure Functions
Implement container-based applications
create a container image
configure Azure Kubernetes Service
publish and automate image deployment to the Azure Container Registry
publish a solution on an Azure Container Instance
Implement and Manage Data Platforms (10-15%)
Implement NoSQL databases
configure storage account tables
select appropriate CosmosDB APIs
set up replicas in CosmosDB
Implement Azure SQL databases
configure Azure SQL database settings
implement Azure SQL Database managed instances
configure HA for an Azure SQL database
publish an Azure SQL database
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